Key Vaccine Information

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Now a Swedish Study Confirms a 4 Fold Increase in Narcolepsy With Pandemrix Flu Shot

**I think the moral of the story here is don't subject yourself or your children to this vaccination. I would argue any vaccination, but this is a good start. The benefits DO NOT outweigh the risks! The flu is preventable and treatable safely and naturally.**

A Swedish registry based cohort study provides strengthened evidence of an association between vaccination with Pandemrix and narcolepsy in children and adolescents

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Results from a Swedish registry based cohort study indicate a 4-fold increased risk of narcolepsy in children and adolescents below the age of 20 vaccinated with Pandemrix, compared to children of the same age that were not vaccinated. The results are in line with those of a similar Finish registry study.

The Medical products Agency (MPA) has in co-operation with the healthcare regions of Skåne and Västra Götaland, the county councils of Östra Götaland and Stockholm and with the Karolinska Institutet performed a study of a possible relationship between vaccination with Pandemrix and the occurrence of narcolepsy.

All cases of diagnosed narcolepsy reported to the healthcare databases in these four regions between October 1st 2009 and December 31st 2010 have been linked to information in the regional vaccination databases. These four regions have around 5.3 million inhabitants, which corresponds roughly to 57 percent of the Swedish population. The vaccination coverage was on average 67 % for children and adolescents under the age of 20 and 51 % for adults.

The study shows a 4-fold increased risk for children and adolescents vaccinated with Pandemrix to be diagnosed with narcolepsy as compared with unvaccinated subjects (4,06 cases per 100 000 person years in vaccinated children/adolescents compared with 0,97 cases per 100 000 person years in unvaccinated). This risk would translate into an absolute risk of three cases of narcolepsy in 100 000 vaccinated children/adolescents. No increased risk was seen in adults.

Full Story on Study

1 comment:

  1. i got hpv from my boyfriend and i was trying all i could do to get rid of this virus over 4 months now i have taking a lot of drugs from different medical doctor which didn't work at all, last month i was doing some research on google on how to get cured totally from this virus i found someone testimony on how she got cured totally from hpv with the help of doc. onokun natural herbs and she drop doc onokun email address, So i decide to give him a try and i contact him for help he told how to purchase the natural herbs and i did that, Do you believe i only took this herbs for 2 weeks and i got cured permanently from the hpv virus without no side effect. Thank you so much doc onokun for the help i will make sure i tell the whole world about you. contact him if you need his help too via:
