MMR Vaccine Linked to Autism says a New Study
** A new study is saying once again that the MMR vaccine is linked to Autism. I feel really bad for the author of this study as the establishment is sure to come after them with slanderous intentions. See no further than Dr. Andrew Wakefield who merely reported that the vaccine strain of measles were found in the guts of children (All true and reproduced in 3 or 4 other studies around the world) with autism and they went after his medical license in Great Britain and completely slandered him in the media. Notice that in response to this new study, the Government refuses to acknowledge that there may be some cause for concern because they have contrived studies funded by the manufacturers that say otherwise..... **New evidence suggesting a link between the MMR vaccine and autism emerged yesterday. Scientists reported finding a strong association between the vaccine and an immune system reaction which is thought to play a role in autism. The team led by Dr Vijendra Singh analysed blood samples from 125 autistic children and 92 children who did not have the disorder.
In 75 of the autistic children they found antibodies showing there had been an abnormal reaction to the measles component of the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine.
Nine out of ten of those children were also positive for antibodies thought to be involved in autism.These antibodies attack the brain by targeting the basic building blocks of myelin, the insulating sheath that covers nerve fibres. This stops the nerves developing properly and may affect brain functions.
None of the non-autistic children showed the unusual anti-measles response.
Dr Singh has suggested that an abnormal immune response may be the root cause of many cases of autism.
However, the Government's Chief Medical Officer and the British Medical Association, both insist there is a wealth of scientific evidence that the triple jab is the safest way to protect children.
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